Evie Modding Guide
This page will help you understand how Evie works. This will help you mod it.
What you'll need:
Some Godot/GDScript knowledge
Gamepad (if you want to test your mod with it, else just use keyboard)
Creating Scenes
Levels (With Pause Menu)
Create a scene (for example in 'levels' folder)
The root node of the scene needs to be named with special characters (read this).
After that, add Player, a CanvasLayer, and inside of it, PauseController. Now you can start creating your level!
Understanding how level naming works in Evie
The root node's name is split into 2 variables:
(levelN) and 2-Act*Name
'_' acts here as a separator.
The first variable (levelN) is split again into:
(levelNum) and Chapter*Name
'-' acts as a separator, '*' acts as a space.
The second variable (act) is split into:
(actNum) and Act*Name
'-' acts as a separator, '*' acts as a space.
Then it all connects again as a readable text:
Chapter 1: Chapter Name
Act 2: Act Name
Scenes (Without Pause Menu)
Create a scene
You're done. Start adding UI elements etc.
Localizing your mod
To add support for other languages in your mod, go to Localization tab in the top bar. In locales tab you can add languages, in translations tab you have a clear view of all the keys and their translations.
Last updated